Saturday, May 28, 2011

New orange puffle hoodie

Hey penguins

I was looking at Club Penguin clothes on the Disney Store website when I noticed another new clothing item, it is the Club Penguin Puffle Hooded Top (or hoodie). Here’s a picture:

It is a black hoodie with multiple small orange puffle outlines with a large rubber orange puffle badge near the top and an orange Club Penguin logo. This costs around £17. It is 100% cotton and machine washable. Here’s what Disney had to say:
The newest pet to appear in the world of Club Penguin can also be the latest arrival into young wardrobes. This funky hoody sports that puff print orange puffle on a character patterned background, and features cosy front pockets.
Do you like this hoodie? Have you got any Club Penguin clothing at home? Let me know by commenting.

New fun activites

Hey penguins

Club Penguin has released some new ‘Fun Activities’ on the community website. Take a look below:
  • Royal Tea Party

  • Noble Steed Costume

  • Medieval Obstacle Quest

Those are some great ideas Club Penguin! Keep them coming! Do you like the new updates? Let me know by commenting.

EPF update

Hey penguins

This message is for secret agents. If you’re not an EPF agent yet, ask someone for an invitation to take the Test so you can become one. Here’s the message:
Hello Penguins Agents!
Thanks for helping to keep the island safe during the Medieval Party! It’s been great seeing so many of you equipped with all the latest EPF gear.
The team is really excited about the next thing they’ve been working on for Elite Agents… an epic encounter with a certain polar bear. I’ll let you in on a little secret… Herbert is planning an attack on the EPF next week!
As you may have heard, you’ll need to work together on this one. Here’s a sneak peek:
What do you think will this mean? What do you think they are up to? Leave a comment! Also If you look closely at the picture, you’ll notice something vaguely familiar about the blue and yellow things Herbert and Klutzy are in; that’s because its the dragons (dubbed “Hydras”) we defeated in the 3rd Medieval Quest!

Oh no! this can’t be good!...

Beta team update

Hey penguins
Club Penguin has updated the beta team again! They readded Rollerscape History and added two new things, Fluffy The Fish & Fluffy The Fish Art Concepts!

Fluffy The Fish is a game starring Fluffy The Fish. You use your arrow keys to move the fish around the ocean. You try to eat as many small grey fish as you can.

The other thing is art concepts for Fluffy The Fish.

This new game is pretty sweet! How do you like it?

Club Penguin purple dragon costume update

Hey penguins
The Club Penguin Team has received a few emails from penguins saying they can’t purchase the newly released Purple Dragon costume. The Club Penguin Team is aware of this bug and is working hard to squash it.
Thanks for your patience. We’ll make sure the costume is available for you as soon as possible, and will keep you posted once it gets fixed here on the blog. In the meantime, we hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the Medieval Party while it’s still on!

In other news… Many of you have been asking us about a certain polar bear and whether or not you’ll be seeing him soon. I’ll have some news about that for you guys tomorrow here on the blog, too!
Does this mean Herbert will be coming to the island? – Keep checking back for the latest news!

Medieval catalog updated

 Hey penguins
Club Penguin has updated their Medieval Catalog. As previously mentioned we had found the two items which Club Penguin has added the Purple Dragon Costume and Lute. There is two hidden items.
Click on the middle of the Lute for the Purple Dragon Feet.

Click the Blue Tabard for the Bracers.

I personally like both of these items, they are awesome! Which new item do you like more?

Club Penguin times #293

Hey penguins

Club Penguin has released a new issue of their newspaper on Club Penguin, the Club Penguin Times. This week brings us to Issue 293.
This week, the newspaper mainly talks about the new Medieval Catalog update.

It also talks about the upcoming clothing catalog.

These are the upcoming events. Which one are you looking most forward to?

There is also a secret message from Herbert!

New field ops #46/ message from G

Hey penguins
Sorry that I haven't been blogging for the past 3 days. I've going spending too much time playing Club Penguin.
Anyway here is the latest field op and a new message from Gary. Lets take a look at at the field op first.

Club Penguin Field Ops 46 was released today. To start with, go to the Elite Penguin Force headquarters for your mission briefing.

Head on over to the Ski Village by the Everyday Phoning Facility.
Complete it by cracking the code.

When finished, you will get a message.

It reads:
Hello Agent. Surprised to hear from me? It’s been a while since we’ve spoken face to face.
Wondering what I’m up to? I’m sure you are. But you’ll have to wait just a little longer.
Now for the message.

Gary has recently sent us all a new EPF Message. Check it out:

It says:
Hmm… We’re still not sure what Herbert is planning, and he hasn’t sent any other messages. Agents, be on full alert this week.
What do you think is Herbert’s plan? He still hasn’t come to the Medieval Party.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Noble knight bug fixed

Hey penguins
OK so everybody knows about the noble knight stamp bug. Well I had that bug But now its fixed.

Sadly its only for members!

New medieval items sneak peek

Hey penguins

Today I was looking through Club Penguins’s files when I found a spoiler for what the two items will be when Club Penguin updates their Medieval Catalog this Friday! There will be the Lute (returned) and an all new Purple Dragon Costume! It looks pretty sweet. Here are the items:

Awesome! To get these items you must wait until the end of the week when Club Penguin updates. I’ll be sure to let you know right away! I also did send Club Penguin a letter saying about an idea I had with (member) penguins putting on a dragon costume at the medieval party quest three or just a costume, and when you wear it you breath out fire! How cool will that be! Comment of what you think.

New puffle toys!

Hey penguins
f you have recently checked the Toywiz website, a brand new set of puffles, Series 7 to be precise were added! The selection offers brand new puffles faces, with a new Club Penguin Brown Puffle, the first ever Brown puffle plush toy!
Club Penguin 4in. Series 7 Puffle Party Plush Brown (includes coin code!) item description:
Name: Brown Puffle
Manufacturer: Jakks Pacific
Series: Club Penguin Puffles Series 7
Release Date: April 2011
For ages: 4 and up

It looks really cool, and how Club Penguin has a brown puffle plush now, so does the facial expression! What do you think about it? Also while I was browsing through Toywiz, I came across a new set of Club Penguin puffle plush. There are 9 puffles in this set. Here is what they look like:

My favorite puffle is the brown one. Which one is your favorite? Let me know in a comment.

New messages

Hey penguins

Today I logged into Club Penguin and my spy phone was blinking blue. I had a two new messages. The first message was from Jet Pack Guy. Here is the message below:

Jet Pack Guy said:
Found a suspicious device in the Cave, underground. Spoke to a few agents, and they found one too. No other sign of Herbert though.
I wonder what device this is. Will we find out in the future? I also wonder where Herbert is hiding. I hope we find him soon. The second message is from Gary. Let’s look at the message below:

If you can not read what it says, it says:
Hmm… We’re still not sure what Herbert is planning, and he hasn’t sent any other messages. Agents, be on a full alert this week.
I wonder if Herbert is planning to trash the party, what do you think Herbert is planning? Let me know your thoughts in a comment below.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

New message from Rookie and Dot

Hey penguins
Today when I logged onto Club Penguin I had two new messages on my spy phone.It's from Agent Rookie And Agent Dot. Let us see what Rookie said:
rookie « Club Penguin Cheats 

Everything looks clean, to me so far. Except the puffle pens – they’re a bit smelly. But not suspicious-smelly. Just regular smelly.

Rookie is being funny as usual! I wonder if Herbert will be a mascot! The next message is from Dot the Disguise Gal. Here it is below:
dots « Club Penguin Cheats
Dot said:

Disguised myself as a princess and staked out at the Attic. No sign of Herbert. Gotta say, I much prefer my uniform to a princess gown. icon razz « Club Penguin Cheats

She really is the master of disguise! D you think Herbert is coming? Comment below!

Reveiwed by you: Medieval

Hey penguins

Today Billybob made a new post on the community blog. He said that last week the Club Penguin team asked the fans to tell the team about someone’s igloo that you thought was awesome. There were more than enough creative igloos, but only 3 winners. Here they are:

Bengweno’s Igloo:
1 « Club Penguin Cheats
Penngiwin’s Igloo:
2 « Club Penguin Cheats
Aderion’s Igloo:
3 « Club Penguin Cheats
Those are some cool igloos. Good job to the hard working winners!
This week, the team wants to know, what’s your favorite thing about the Medieval Party? Let us know in the comments!
Leave your comment here. Or, leave one here too, best one will be approved!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Banner update

Hey penguins
As you can see both Club Penguin auto updated banners have been updated to this medieval party.
This one has just been updated. I like the graphics of it including the shadows of the three dragons!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Club Penguin Whats New blog deleted

Hey penguins
Updated: It is now back!
Woah, is this a glitch or what? It says Club Penguin What’s New Blog got deleted!

I wonder what happened?

New places on map

Hey penguins
I was on Authorized Club Penguin and noticed a new update on the list command “Places for new map”.

I clicked on it and there was two things, one box was at the Lighthouse outside and the other box number two was at the Ski Hill with the sign, possibly a new location upcoming near them?

That’s all Club Penguin gives us, a picture of the outside of the lighthouse and the ski hill of the sign post. What do you think on this?

New medieval wallpapper

Hey penguins
Today, Club Penguin has released a brand new wallpaper for all penguins to use. However, instead of continuing the series of puffle wallpapers, Club Penguin has released a wallpaper which represents the Medieval Party 2011! The wallpaper featured a knight and a princess in a pink dress running away from a tunnel that holds piles of golden coins. Basically, the new wallpaper represents two penguins completing a Knight’s Quest. Here is an image of the new Club Penguin wallpaper:

In my opinion, this new Club Penguin wallpaper is very well designed and is a perfect wallpaper to encourage penguins to completing all the Knight’s Quests. What do you think of this new wallpaper? Leave a comment and let us know!

New fetured igloo

Hey penguins
Today, Club Penguin has featured a brand new igloo for the week! This week’s Club Penguin Featured Igloo is by Aulyandria8. Auly’s igloo is a Dojo with plenty of environmental items such as trees, ponds and flowers (similar to the several previous featured igloos). Take a look:

Great job on the igloo designing, Aulyandria8! Personally, I like this igloo because it represents the environment and saving the Earth & nature should always be our first priority. What do you think of this week’s Club Penguin featured igloo? Leave a comment and let us know!

Loading bug

Hey penguins
Club Penguin hasn’t fully updated all its room. Here is a constant bug with the Quest 3.

This post will be updated once the bug is fixed.

New medieval clothing iteams

Hey penguins
If you go to the gift shop, there is a new Medieval Catalog available.

It also says Coming Soon, which means more items on the way. Looks like a dragon suit and a guitar.
There is also a hidden item! Click the black puffle on the Red Tabard for the Torc.

New pin

Hey penguins
Club Penguin has released a new pin on Club Penguin! It’s the Brazier pin and can be found at the Boiler Room.

Awesome! How do you like this pin?

Medieval party cheats

Hey penguins
First of all I thank you Trainman1405, Loki Terry and Tech 163 for taking these pictures of the party cheats just as I asked.
The 2011 Medieval Party is on Club Penguin! Many of the rooms are now decorated with a Medieval Theme.
First of all, there is one free item for nonmembers. It’s a Wizard Hat at the Lighthouse.

Next is the Knight’s Quests. There is a total of 3.

Ye Knight’s Quest
To begin the Quest 1, go to the Pool, and enter “Ye Knight’s Quest.” The first step is to light up all the light bulbs. I have outlined all the light bulbs in red rectangles.
Light Up Lightbulbs
After you have lighted all the light bulbs by waddling onto the platform next to them, you will be able to enter the next room. In the second room, you will have to shoot 50 targets.
Snowball Targets
Afterwards, you will enter the maze. Here are the directions:
Quest Maze
  1. Down
  2. Left
  3. Down
  4. Right
  5. Right
  6. Up
Congratulations! You have completed the first quest! You can pick up a free Iron Armour.
Quest 1 Completed

Ye Knight’s Quest 2

To begin Quest 2, go to the Pool and enter “Ye Knight’s Quest 2.” The first step is to throw snowballs into the fire. Soon after, the path to continue the quest will appear.
Throw Snowball in FIre
In the second step, it will be different for everyone. You will have to navigate the key into the lock, and you will be able to go on. Use common sense to pass.
Keylock Puzzle
In the room after, you can pick up a free Noble Horse.
Free Noble Horse
In the step after, you will have to throw snowballs into the water tank (red), so the cannon (white) will cool down. You will also need to throw snowballs at the dragon to stop it from spraying fire.
Water Cannon
You have completed Quest 2! You can pick up a free Toothbrush Pin and Dragon’s Gold!
Toothbrush Pin and Dragon's Gold
Knight’s Quest 3
This year there is the all new knight’s quest. The first room is a game. It’s kind of like Puffle Shuffle.

You want to waddle over the right tile that has the right gem color. Do this three times.

After that, get the free item. Then use the buttons to navigate past the gates to the next room.

Take a quick break and pick up the shield.

After that, you’re at the dragon’s lair! The yellow dragon’s beam reflects and hits itself. Throw snowballs at the red dragon and throw a snowball at the cauldron to tip it over the blue dragon. There is buttons on the right to lower the quality so it’s not as laggy.

The dragons can repair themselves, so be careful!

After that, you’ll be in the final room. Get the final Knight’s Armor item!